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作者:博业体育    发布时间:2025-01-14 17:34:01
本文摘要:The US has been handed a proposal that would end the last vestiges of its control over the internet, sparking a potentially contentious political debate in Washington over the future of cyberspace. 美国收到一项建议,该建议将完结其对互联网域名的管控权,这有可能在华盛顿引起环绕网络空间未来的白热化政治辩论。

The US has been handed a proposal that would end the last vestiges of its control over the internet, sparking a potentially contentious political debate in Washington over the future of cyberspace. 美国收到一项建议,该建议将完结其对互联网域名的管控权,这有可能在华盛顿引起环绕网络空间未来的白热化政治辩论。Under the proposal put forward yesterday by ICANN, the international body that oversees the internet’s addressing system, the US would hand over its role as the ultimate authority for internet naming. ICANN’s governance arrangements would be overhauled to protect it from government meddling in future. 根据监管互联网域名系统的国际机构——互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)——昨日明确提出的建议,美国将让给其在管理互联网域名方面的最低主管角色。ICANN的管理决定将被完全排查,以维护其未来免遭政府介入。

Washington offered two years ago to give up its remaining internet oversight, in response to the international outcry over the Snowden revelations about illicit US internet surveillance. 两年前,华盛顿方面明确提出退出手中只剩的互联网管控权,以对此国际上针对斯诺登(Snowden)爆料的、美国对互联网展开非法监听的强烈抗议。It had promised full privatisation of the internet in 1998, but the idea was put on hold over concerns in Congress that ICANN could become captive to repressive governments. 美国曾在1998年允诺对互联网展开全面私有化,但由于美国国会忧虑ICANN有可能受限于专制政府,这一点子被不了了之。Stirrings in Washington suggest that such opposition could resurface. Ted Cruz, one of the Republican presidential candidates, and two other senators fired a shot across ICANN’s bows last week with a letter questioning its contacts with China and the risks if it was cut free from US control. 华盛顿方面的迹象或许指出,此类赞成声音有可能将再现。

上周,共和党总统竞选人之一特德克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)与另外两名参议员通过一封公开信向ICANN还击,他们批评该机构与中国的认识以及瓦解美国掌控有可能带给的风险。Approving a Chinese internet registrar was a sign of the body’s “desire to build a close relationship with the Chinese government which could continue to move in a troubling direction once the US government ends its oversight”, they wrote. 他们写到,批准后中文网络域名登记标志着该机构“渴求与中国政府创建密切关系,而一旦美国政府仍然展开管控,中国有可能之后朝着令人不安的方向行进”。ICANN has clashed with several countries over how much control they should have over its operations. But despite worries that China and Russia would lead a push for more government control, opposition centred on a wider group of countries that included Argentina, Brazil and France. ICANN曾与好几个国家就后者不应在多大程度上对其运营展开管控再次发生过冲突。




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